Here is How you choose the best VR Virtual Reality headset you need even if it’s your first time buying it.
In the 21st century, virtual reality is a hot topic almost everywhere. And with all its hype, VR Headsets became instantly popular.
I’ve seen old connected and portable VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, Daydream View, HTC Vive, and more. But this is not all, as you still have many other options to believe.
The attributes of the best virtual reality headset lie in its affordability, less complicated setup, and what you will use the headset for.
For example, whether you want to use it to watch movies, play games, or live stream events, it can be industrially utilized for healthcare, architecture or filmmaking, etc.
Whatever your gadget, you must start exploring your requirements to choose the proper hardware.
Below I will provide information and knowledge on choosing a VR Virtual Reality headset.
Virtual Reality Technology–What is VR3D?
Through the use of specific 3-D glasses, virtual reality (VR) technology enables users to more realistically “feel” the simulated environment (virtual reality glasses).
This virtual 3D environment is created and controlled by a highly configurable computer system.
In particular, not only displaying 3D images, but some VR systems also allow to simulate of sounds and smell to be quite realistic!
It’s virtual, sure, but why call it natural?
Thanks to the ability to respond in real-time, the VR system knows how to recreate and transform the 3D environment to suit the situation.
In this case, people make decisions by actions (or thoughts), sensors will receive electrical signals, and from there, the computer analyzes and produces a new virtual environment according to a principle or algorithm—built-in math.
For example: When playing a specific brilliant VR role-playing game, you turn your gaze, and the scene in front of you also changes.
You run a segment, breathing fast, and the corresponding “power” index in the game character also decreases, …
What are the components of a virtual reality system?
A general VR system consists of 5 components: software (SW), hardware (HW), network link, users, and applications; which three main and most essential components are software (SW), hardware (HW), and applications.
Software has always been the soul of VR and any modern computer system. In principle, any programming language or graphics, software can be used to model and simulate VR objects.
For example, languages (which can be found for free) OpenGL, C++, Java3D, VRML, X3D, etc., or commercial software such as WorldToolKit, PeopleShop, etc. Any VR software must ensure two primary uses: Shaping into Simulation.
VR objects are modeled by this software or converted from 3D models (designed by other CAD software such as AutoCAD, 3D Studio, ..).
The VR software must then be able to simulate the object’s kinematics, dynamics, and behavior.
The hardware of a VT system includes: Computer (PC or Workstation with strong graphics configuration), input devices (Input devices), and output devices (Output devices).
- Input devices include output devices capable of stimulating the senses to create a sense of existence in the virtual world. Such as HMD head monitors, mice, stereo headsets–and input devices capable of recognizing where the user is looking or pointing, such as head-mounted trackers (head-trackers) and wire-gloves.
- Output devices: including graphical displays (such as monitors, HDM, ..) to see 3D objects. Audio device (speaker) to hear surround sound (such as Hi-Fi, Surround). Sensory feedback (Haptic feedback such as gloves) creates tactile sensations when touching and holding objects. Force Feedback unit to generate impact force such as when cycling, riding on bumpy roads, etc.
How to Choose the Best VR Virtual Reality headset your first time (Explained)
What makes VR different?
In a virtual reality system, interactivity, real-time three-dimensional graphics, and immersion are key features.
Real-time interactivity:
Means that the computer can recognize the user’s input and instantly change the virtual world. The user sees things change on the screen right at their will and is attracted by this simulation.
an effect that selectively focuses the most excellent attention on information from the user of the virtual reality system.
Users experience a sense of integration into the virtual world. VR makes this feeling “real” even more by affecting other sensory channels.
Users not only see 3D graphic objects and control (rotate, move) objects but also touch and feel them as genuine.
Researchers are also finding ways to create other sensations such as smell and taste in the virtual world.
In a virtual world, there are two components to interaction: movement within the world and environment dynamics.
Travel is the user’s ability to move around independently, as if inside a natural environment. Software developers can restrict access to virtual regions, allowing varying degrees of freedom (Users can fly, go through walls, walk around, etc.) places or swimming and diving).
Another aspect of travel is positioning the user’s point of view. Perspective control is the practice of users tracking themselves from a distance, observing the scene through the eyes of another human being, or moving around in the design of a new building as if it were sitting in a pushchair.
Environmental dynamics are the rules of how people, things, and things interact in an orderly fashion to exchange energy or information.
Application of VR technology
In developed countries, I can see that VR is applied in science and technology, architecture, military, entertainment, tourism, and real estate… and meets all needs: Research – Education- Trade-services.
Medicine and tourism are the traditional application areas of VR. Besides, VR is also applied in education, art, entertainment, virtual tour (Virtual Tour), real estate… In the military field, VR is also used in developed countries.
Besides the traditional applications above, some new applications have recently emerged in VR, such as simulation of the game environment and virtual interaction.
Wearing virtual reality glasses enables me to fully immerse myself in the world of 3D space with a wide viewing angle of up to 110 degrees, in contrast to when I sit in front of a computer screen with a wide angle looking only 45 degrees. You will feel overwhelmed, especially when playing RPG or FPS games.
How to choose the best VR Virtual Reality headset
I will detail the main types of VR headsets and essential points to consider before making your choice.
This should, in my opinion, be one of your primary considerations since it will enable you to choose your virtual reality headset more quickly.
Each type of headset has a propensity to use that particular content. Each headset brand frequently has its content platform (some platforms and content are sometimes available on competing brands). Consequently, one of the first queries to pose is:
Types of VR headsets
Autonomous VR Headsets:
These are the most recent VR headsets, and they can function independently of any auxiliary computer system or smartphone.
PC VR headsets
are still the best option for virtual reality, especially when utilizing the most famous content (virtual experiences). These VR headsets are connected via wired or wireless connections to a “VR Ready,” a designation that verifies the computer’s capacity to utilize virtual reality content.

Guidelines for selecting a VR headset
Due to the market’s youth and the products’ lack of familiarity with many professionals and consumers, purchasing a VR headset may seem difficult for the first time.
To quickly purchase your VR headset, it is sufficient to ascertain your virtual reality needs and consider a few technical requirements. VR 360 assists you in this process by summarizing the critical selection criteria.
VR Headset PC or VR Standalone Headset?
You can immerse yourself in very high-quality content using the PC VR headset. Therefore, you must consider whether you need to engage in the most immersive experiences or whether a standalone VR headset that already provides a very high level of immersion is sufficient for you.
Additionally, using a PC VR headset comes with some considerations that must be made. This kind of VR headset requires a lot of computer resources to run.
To broadcast all of your content, you will need a PC with a particular graphics card and processor.
What to expect in VR headsets?
A VR headset that you purchase must live up to your expectations. The standalone VR headset, for instance, will look better if you want to use your VR headset right away.
If you prefer to take advantage of what virtual reality has to offer and have a computer that is VR Ready compatible, the PC VR headset will be your best ally.
Virtual reality headsets range in price from 219 € to almost 2000 €.
There’s no need to select the most expensive VR headset at the risk of misusing its features and underutilizing its potential.
Additionally, keeping a small budget for RV accessories that vary in price based on your needs can be interesting.
The primary technical standards:
This is the number of pixels (points) that make up the image, which is frequently represented by the number of pixel lines that make up the image’s width and height (Width x Height).
Viewing angle (FOV): Its name suggests that the image’s width is expressed in degrees. For comparison, the human body temperature ranges from 100 to 110 °. The immersion effect increases with the size of the field of view.
Display Frequency:
This is the image’s refresh rate, significantly impacting how fluid the image is. The higher the frequency, expressed in Hertz (“Hz”), the more naturally the image moves.
Your movements are tracked by the tracking system, which then incorporates them into the immersive experience. Some designs have sensors you can place outside your room, while others have cameras built right into the headphones.
Controller types:
The controllers/controllers may vary based on the headphones. Depending on how each one is regarded, some are better designed than others, while others incorporate the 6DOF and straps.
Ergonomics and body weight:
Different sizes and weights are used depending on the brands, models, and types of headsets; all headsets are not created using the same model (pc or standalone). It would help if you chose the headset and alterations best for you.
Secondary criteria:
The depth of the content platform. If you are an individual, content is still significant to consider. Professionals are more likely than non-professionals to use their VR headsets for customized content.
I also provide a professional content creation service of our own. Individuals typically find it simple to access VR experiences and content through brands’ online content platforms, like Oculus Store or Steam VR.
Your VR helmet brand’s society is crucial because it can quickly answer all of your questions. You can find online assistance if necessary if there are as many people as possible using the same VR headset.
Typically, the communities that have developed around major brands are appealing because they have the potential to be significant.

The brand:
It might seem excessive to include the brand in the first order criteria. Although technology is still in its infancy, some brands have established themselves and are valued for their excellence.
Among the well-known brands are, for instance, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. At VR 360, I let our clients decide on the level of quality they want.
I, therefore, place particular emphasis on the most well-known VR headsets, such as the Oculus Quest autonomous VR headset or the HTC Vive.
The assistance provided by your dealer is also crucial. Exceptional knowledge and abilities are needed to use this new technology.
Not every reseller has one. Our team at VR 360 specializes in virtual reality. It offers prompt and effective customer service via phone and email, including product recommendations that best suit your needs, post-purchase assistance, and problem-solving.
Lastly, it’s important to remember that they can frequently improve your virtual experience. All headset models are compatible with a variety of VR accessories.
However, leading companies like Oculus or HTC Vive offer various additional accessories to suit your needs.
What is VR virtual reality technology? How is it different from augmented reality?
Virtual reality, also known as virtual reality (VR), is a term that describes a simulated (virtualized) environment created by humans thanks to specialized software and controlled by an intelligent device.
In addition to creating virtual space, VR virtual reality technology can also interact with users through gestures and senses such as hearing, smell, and touch.
Besides VR virtual reality technology, you must have heard of augmented reality technology AR. To distinguish between these two technologies, you only need to pay attention to how it works.
For example, VR will create a completely virtual environment, while AR will be based on the surrounding environment’s actual space, then add some virtual elements inside.
AR and VR are two, not rivals; each technology has unique applications that the other technology does not have so they will exist side by side.
Devices that support virtual reality technology VR
To immerse yourself in the virtualized space with VR technology, users need a specialized headset, and the most popular are VR glasses.
These glasses will cover your eyes, then overlay a virtualized image. Depending on the type and accompanying features, VR glasses can interact with the user, i.e., you can control the virtual space through body language (running, holding, looking, nodding).
Some popular brands of VR glasses today are Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, Lenovo VR, and especially Oculus Rift. Depending on the quality and accompanying features.
There are several VR glasses with meager prices on the market today. Of course, the quality that comes with it is also very disappointing.
Applying VR virtual reality technology to reality
Applying VR to entertainment
This is considered the most crucial purpose that virtual reality technology was born with; users can use VR to immerse themselves in the virtual space of a game or even entertainment videos and explore science fiction.
The advantage of VR in entertainment is that it gives a natural feeling; everything that happens in the virtual space will strongly interact with human emotion.
For example, if you watch a movie with a VR headset, you can move around the movie space and turn your head left and right to change the viewing angle. As for a regular movie, that’s completely impossible.
Digital tourism application
Today with 3D imaging technology, it is possible to create 3D scenes that are very similar to reality. The most typical is recreating natural wonders and landscapes; people can use VR glasses to immerse themselves in them without going far.
Some unique VR virtual reality systems will integrate many more elements such as Wind, water, light effects, and vibration… to increase users’ emotions when using VR.
Real estate
Another practical application that virtual reality technology can bring is architectural tours from real estate services. That is, users can see the context of an apartment or building in detail through the VR virtual reality system.
This will help users have the most general, more accurate view of what will be created in the future.
Currently, the application of VR in real estate is still being abandoned because of the cost barrier. Still, with the ability to move anywhere, it is expected that in the future, this technology will develop very quickly.
Steps to clean virtual reality glasses
Cleaning the lens
Lenses are essential to the Gear VR’s image quality, so keeping the product clean and free of dust is necessary.
When the lens is dirty, it will cause problems affecting the user’s eyes, such as eye fatigue and pain.
Therefore, taking a few minutes to clean the lens will help you have moments of good experience. as well as protect the device.
To clean the lens, you need to prepare the following items: a can of compressed air and a microfiber cloth. When cleaning, you should do it gently to avoid scratching the glass surface.
First, hold the can of compressed air 5-10cm away from the lens, and blow in short bursts. Except for a few tough stains that adhere to the glass’ surface, this can of compressed air should theoretically be able to remove all dirt. That’s when you use a microfiber cloth to wipe the glass gently.

Cleaning the face pad
The face pad is usually made of soft cotton, which is an ideal place for hiding bacteria, dirt, and sweat. Therefore, you should regularly check and clean this part.
There are two ways you can perform cleaning. One is that you can buy a few pieces of disinfecting mask to wear on your face every time you share the Gear VR with friends.
This helps prevent most dirt, sweat, etc., from sticking to the face pad. However, this cleaning method will be expensive because if you watch a lot, it needs to be changed constantly.
If you are not eligible to change the disinfecting mask regularly, you can remove the gasket in the glasses to clean.
This face pad is attached to the Gear VR with velcro, so you can gently remove it without fear of damage.
Then, use a disinfecting towel to wipe the face pad and air dry. Once the face pad is dry, you can reattach it and enjoy it.
Cleaning the case
The Gear VR’s case is made of hard plastic, so you can comfortably clean it without worrying about damaging the product. You can use a microfiber cloth or disinfecting towel for cleaning.
Note: when cleaning, you should clean the outside surface, not touch anything inside the device, because wiping with water will create moisture for steam to penetrate inside the electronic components of the device—gear VR. After cleaning, you must let the machine dry before using it again.
Clean the joystick
The remote is a minor dusty area, but don’t ignore it. With this controller, you need to gently use a microfiber cloth to wipe this joystick. If a stain is sticky than usual, you may need a disinfecting towel. Just make sure you turn this joystick off before cleaning.
Notes when using virtual reality glasses
To avoid affecting the health of users, you should note the following:
- It is advisable to buy products of good quality at reputable and branded stores in the market.
- Do not buy poor-quality equipment, which can adversely affect the user’s eyesight.
- Do not use it for too long; you can use it for about 20-30 minutes.
- After using, you should close your eyes to have a break before changing the scene, as well as exposure to light outside the glasses.
The top virtual reality headset is what I suggest for you.
Image | Name | Price Link |
Meta Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 256 GB | On Amazon, you can see the price right here. | |
HP Reverb G2 Virtual Reality Headset, with Controller | On Amazon, you can see the price right here. | |
Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset | On Amazon, you can see the price right here. |
Final thought
Regarding some of the roles I’ve discussed above, the VR (virtual reality) headset is an essential tool for your leisure and professional needs.
Before considering a VR Headset for yourself, you should rest assured whether your PC, Smartphone, or iOS device can work in a VR environment.
If your device supports the recommended or minimum specs, you’re ready to dive into VR with these VR headsets for Android, iOS, and PC.
Above, I have provided you with information about VR headsets and how to choose the right VR headset and satisfy your entertainment needs.
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