How To Choose The Right Pocket Language Translator Device

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Machine translation is becoming more known and popular, especially for users who need communication with foreigners with language limitations.

The interpreter becomes a perfect support for traveling abroad, in touch, in conversation, or meetings with partners from other countries, or even when you can use.

This machine translator device to learn and practice a specific language you want.

Hand-held interpreters have been a translation device that many people have been looking to buy in recent years.

It brings cohesion and breaks down all the language barriers that many people encounter.

However, not everyone has the experience of choosing a translator for themselves.

Today, let’s go through the criteria for you to choose the best portable translator.

The Main Factors to consider before buying a portable interpreter:

  1. Multi-language translation capabilities
  2. Translation function
  3. Online and offline translation mode
  4. Does the interpreter support your fluent language?
  5. Is the interpreter interface easy to use and user-friendly?

1. Multi-language translation capabilities

Make sure the device can translate into the languages ​​you need. Most of the devices below can translate about 100 international languages. As a result, you shouldn’t worry too much about this requirement.

2. Translation function

The translator is designed for voice translation. However, now there are also some devices equipped with image translation functions.

Therefore, choose a voice and image translation device if you want to read street signs and restaurant menus yourself. If not, you need a voice translation device.

3. Online and offline translation mode

Suppose you travel to countries with restricted internet access. A device with an offline translation feature or an integrated global internet data connection is your two choices in that situation. Consider your needs and make informed decisions.

4. Does the interpreter support your fluent language?

This depends on the user, but you should usually choose a machine that supports your fluent language for the best operation.

5. Is the interpreter interface easy to use and user-friendly?

It would be best if you chose an easy-to-use interpreter. Because if an interpreter is challenging to use, it will take you a lot of time to translate, obstructing and annoying the person you are talking to.

What are the benefits of machine translation?

  1. Learning support:
  2. Support in travel trips:
  3. Meeting with partners:
  4. Participate in conferences and forums:

1. Learning support:

These translation aid devices will be the ideal answer if you’re looking for a friend who can speak a foreign language to help you with your studies. You can use these devices for learning, better communication, and more confidence.

2. Support in travel trips:

You want to travel abroad despite not knowing your destination’s local tongue or language. Then the interpreter machine will be the perfect alternative for interpreters; you can take it anywhere and communicate with everyone most naturally and comfortably.

3. Meeting with partners:

What is another benefit of machine translation? It greatly helps you in meetings and business discussions with foreign investment partners.

This brings a lot of conveniences; you can easily cooperate with foreign partners, thereby promoting the business development of your unit further.

4. Participate in conferences and forums:

Currently, international conferences and forums are taking place more and more, and such conferences and meetings also bring much helpful information.

However, participating in international conferences requires listening, understanding what others say, and even communicating with these foreigners. At that time, the translation machines will bring the perfect support for you.

How to effectively use the English interpreter?

Typically, structural interpreters are designed quite standardly for the process of interpreting between two parties.

The English interpreter can hold up to 500 words and 200 different common phrases. The superior results it brings are massive, saving hours to learn English daily and reducing the costs of hiring interpreters.

Not only that, but the English interpreter also helps to bring the connection between people closer together.

Operating environment of the interpreter

In the machine’s functional space, noise avoidance is the most concern. Of course, the translation process will continue normally, but the surrounding noise can interfere with the translation information, resulting in interference with data reception and mistranslation of your conversation.

It would be best to use the English interpreter in spaces with little noise, such as markets, crowded supermarkets, roads, and active production areas, to avoid noise.

In addition, users who need to interpret should not stand too far from the translation device because the audio source (Input data) will be reduced in frequency, and it will be challenging to identify the words they need to translate accurately. We need to avoid the English interpreter with a frequency of about 800 MHz again so that the translation becomes more accessible; the machine will receive a better signal.

Do not speak too fast in conversation and exchange.

Speaking too fast will make the translation process not as complete as expected. When we pronounce, depending on the speed of speech, there will be different sound frequencies.

The audio frequency is too fast, making the reception of the source staggered and not in the correct order to translate into the machine.

We should pay attention to clear pronunciation and correct sentences and not speak slang because the device does not support the ability to translate slang.

No mechanical impact on the machine

Daily activities can inadvertently damage parts on the machine, such as: Dropping and breaking many times, strong impact, being soaked in water, and burning.

The above damage causes the device to stand or slow down or incorrect data. Equipment should be stored carefully, away from children playing.

Difference between Compiler and interpreter.

High-level programming languages are sources a compiler translates into an object language (e.g., machine language). In contrast to a compiler, an interpreter is a program that mimics the execution of programs written in the source language.

The cognitive abilities of a human and an electronic device like a computer are different. A computer cannot comprehend anything through natural language, but humans can.

The laptop needs a translator to convert languages written in human-readable form into computer-readable language.

Compilers and interpreters are types of language interpreters. So what is a language translator?

A language translator is software that translates programs from a source language in a human-readable form into an object language equivalent program.

The object language is typically a machine language, while the source language generally is a high-level programming language.

Compiler definition

A compiler evaluates a program written in a high-level language, transforms it into a low-level machine language, and then reports any problems it discovers.

The user receives the compiled code ready to run, whether it converts the entire source code in one pass or requires several.

The Compiler works in phases; the different stages can be grouped into two parts which are:

  • The analysis phase of the Compiler is also called the header, where the program is divided into essential constituent parts and checks the grammar, semantics, and syntax of the code after the intermediate code is generated. The analysis phase includes lexical analysis, semantic analysis, and syntactic analysis.
  • The Compiler’s rear end, or compilation step, is where the target code is generated, and the intermediate code is optimized. The synthesis phase includes a code optimizer and a code generator.


How To Choose The Right Pocket Language Translator Device

Compilation stages

Now let’s understand in detail the operation of each stage.

  • The lexical analyzer parses the code into a string of characters, organizes the characters into a lexicon, and outputs a token string describing the programming language.
  • Parser:

  • In this phase, the tokens generated in the previous step are checked according to the programming language’s grammar, whether or not the expressions are syntactically correct.
  • Semantic Analyzer:
  • It generates annotated parse trees and checks to see if the expressions and statements produced in the previous stage adhere to the programming language’s rules.
  • Intermediate Code Generator:
  • It generates an intermediate equivalent of the source code. There are many representations of intermediate codes, but TAC (Triple Address Code) is the most widely used.
  • Code Optimizer:
  • It improves the time and space requirements of the program. To do so, it removes the redundant code present in the program.
  • Code Generator:


  • This is the final stage of the Compiler in which the target code for a particular machine is generated. It performs memory management, register assignment, and machine-specific optimizations.

A data structure called a symbol table controls identifiers and the associated data type it is storing. The error handler detects, reports, and corrects errors encountered between different phases of the Compiler.

Interpreter definition

An interpreter is an alternative to executing a programming language and does the same job as a compiler.

The interpreter performs lexical checking, parsing, and type checking similar to the Compiler. But the interpreter processes the syntax tree directly to access expressions and execute statements instead of generating intermediate code.

An interpreter can ask to process the same syntax tree more than once, which is why the speed will be comparatively slower than executing the compiled program.

The compilation and interpretation combine to be able to execute the programming language. Where a compiler generates code at an intermediate level, the code is then interpreted rather than compiled into machine code.

Using an interpreter is advantageous during program development, where the most crucial part is being able to check for program modifications on the fly instead of running the program efficiently.

Compiler and interpreter do the same job but differ in operating procedure; Compiler synthetically takes source code while interpreter takes constituent parts of source code.

The source code can be executed without first being compiled using an interpreter, even though both compilers and interpreters have benefits and drawbacks. But in return, the Compiler will save more execution time.

Working principle of interpreters

Here’s how the Travis Touch works, like most interpreters today:

  • When the user says any sentence, the speech recognition software will automatically record everything they say.
  • Next, the sound card will convert the sound waves into a digital format and break the words into phonemes (the smallest unit of spoken language).
  • Then, the phonemes will be compared with the pre-recorded audio data store to pull out the most suitable sounds and reassemble them into a complete sound file.
  • As a result, 1 second after you finish speaking, the translation (in English, for example) will be played through Travis Touch’s speakers in real-time.
  • When the other person responds, the sentence will be translated back into Vietnamese, helping the conversation to go smoothly.

How is it “standard” to use a language interpreter device?

Don’t “sanctify” the interpreter.

You can’t read Harry Potter in French and expect the machine translation to be as perfect as J. K. Rowling wrote in the novel. Such devices do not exist at all.

Instead, think of a translator as a book of common phrases in many languages. The machine translator will generate more precise terms than long sentences.

Interpreter devices work based on relevance.

When you say “I need an ATM” in English, the interpreter searches a list of translations with the highest matching rate in the available data store. It can translate to Where is the nearest ATM? (Where is the closest ATM?) .

This is not entirely accurate, but it still says exactly what you mean.

Try to use the most intuitive language possible.

Be careful when using slang or local jargon; if our database does not store the phrase you speak, the machine may recognize the word with another meaning, misleading the listener.

The interpreter device is optimized for 1 – 1 communication.

This means indirect calls via Zalo or Skype, e.g., affecting the machine’s ability to recognize the language.

In addition, it is difficult for you to translate perfectly what the speaker says in seminars.

Principles of politeness when communicating with a language interpreter device

  • Ask permission to use an interpreter in simple English sentences before communicating.
  • Limit translation through headphones. Foreigners rarely share headphones with strangers because of hygiene issues.
  • When speaking, avoid putting the device too close to your mouth.
  • If communicating in a noisy place, it is best to show the screen so that the other person can read the written translation on the Travis screen.
  • Limit the use of complex sentences, slang words, etc. To avoid incorrect identification and misleading listeners. How To Choose The Right Pocket Language Translator Device

What is the term Machine interpreter?

Interpreters or interpreters are technological devices developed with the function of supporting users to communicate and converse with each other even though they do not use the same language.

More specifically, these devices will have the function of receiving a specific language, then processing and converting it to a speech at the user’s request.

One translation device can convert many different languages simultaneously; even with the Travis interpreter, this machine is fluent in more than 80 languages worldwide.

1-way – 2-way interpreting machine

Currently, in the world, there are quite a few lines of translation devices developed with many different features and support.

However, to distinguish them first, we divide them into two types:

1-way means the machine

  • can only receive and convert from one language to another

Only one way and can’t do the opposite. With this type of device, it stands out that they have ILI; the device is made in Japan and supports translation very well with four main languages: Korean, Chinese, English, and Japanese. 

2-way means

  • that the machine can convert 2-way between languages

For example, if you want to switch from English to French, the machine supports you, and vice versa; if you change from French to English, the interpreter also gives you the same support.

With devices that support 2-way translation like this, you only need one device, and two people can communicate with each other entirely naturally and comfortably.

How language translator works

The translator works; you need to pick up the device and speak the language you know (English, French) then the machine will automatically pronounce the language you want to translate.

Depending on the programming, the device can translate 1-way or 2-way. For example, a machine that only translates from French to English but cannot translate English to French; is a one-way translation machine.

Currently, most machines only translate short conversations. It is not possible to solve a long discussion.

Therefore, the device is only used to ask for directions and addresses when traveling abroad. You can easily ask for the restaurant’s or hotel’s address, make a reservation, or call a car. Current machine translators are not smart enough to translate business conversations, teaching, etc.

Language translator has online translation and offline translation. For non-network interpreters, only one-way language translation will be performed.

The translation language is stored in the internal memory of the device. This machine works independently without installing applications or software and does not need a network connection or Bluetooth. However, the ability to translate languages ​​will be limited and translate to fewer languages.

For the type of online translation machine, you will need to install the management software (app) and connect to the phone via Bluetooth.

The phone must be connected to the internet. This machine is a bit complicated to use, but it can translate many languages ​​with very high accuracy. In addition, connecting to a cloud server helps to update language data more often.

Another type of translator is the interpreter headset. Now Google has also launched such a product. You must put on the headset and connect to the phone to translate the language. However, the translation headset does not support Vietnamese, so there are quite a few users.

All interpreters use batteries. So you need to charge and use it fully; absolutely no need to plug in.

What is the working mechanism of an interpreter?

These devices will have different operating modes depending on the developed product line. Therefore, about the working mechanism of these translation devices, we will be able to divide them into separate groups to learn.

Group 1: Standalone devices

These machine-interpreter devices operate independently without needing any software or supporting equipment.

The specific working mechanism of this device is that it will receive audio data from a particular language, then automatically process it inside and return the required language.

Everything is handled inside the machine; thanks to such independent operation, this group’s devices provide excellent support and convenience during use.

Group 2: Works in conjunction with mobile support software

These are translation devices also developed to support the translation of languages, but their limitation is that they cannot operate independently but must be connected to developed software. Mobile development only.

This also means that you need to connect the mobile device to the interpreter device via Bluetooth; when translating, the data will be processed on the software and returned to the language on the transmitter.

Things become complicated and sometimes unsatisfactory for users, in which IU is proof of this because as soon as Travis appeared, IU was no longer a translation support device loved it like before

Group 3: Translator headphones

As for the translation headset devices, we have two prominent names: the Google interpreter headset (works in conjunction with Google Pixel mobile devices) and the Pilot wireless interpreter headset (works independently create).

Both of these devices are very popular in the world market because of their simplicity and convenience, but not in the Vietnamese market because these devices still do not support the Vietnamese language.

What is machine translation in real-time?

When a translation tool is referred to as a real-time translator, it performs interpretive duties. First, you set your language and the language to translate.

Then you need to press the record button and speak; the device will translate into the language, and vice versa same goes for image translation.

Take a picture of a menu, for example. The machine then scans the text on the photo and translates it instantly.

Some pocket language translator devices I can recommend for you.



Price Link

Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device On Amazon, you can see the price right here.
Mama Enence Instant Two-Way Translator. Mama Enence Instant Two-Way Translator. On Amazon, you can see the price right here.
Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device Pocketalk Classic Language Translator Device   On Amazon, you can see the price right here.

Final thought 

Current translation devices are receiving attention from users because of the language limitation of most people.

With all the information I have mentioned above, surely you already know what an interpreter is, right? Let’s start learning more information about specific products now.

I hope you will find and choose a pocket language translator device that suits your needs and price.

A product with the best quality, the most accurate translation ability, long sentence translation, paragraph translation, and conference translation.

The best price for the products, no matter the customers’ economic conditions, is still easy to buy the product they like.

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